La Table FrançaiseWouldn't it be great to have a place to come and practice your French stress-free over lunch or coffee? Here's your chance! Join us for...
FREE TutoringNeeding a little extra help outside of your French class? Come to our FREE tutoring sessions, offered by our Graduate Assistant Teachers!...
Conversation Table is Back!Do you love French? Is your French class just too short? Want to practice your French more? Join us EVERY WEDNESDAY from 1:00-2:00 pm at...
DAILY French TutoringNeed a little extra help with your French assignments?Come see a tutor! Find an hour that fits your schedule and make it a regular habit!...
Welcome Back!We are already gearing up for Spring 2018 activities! Check back for more info about: -- French Club, starting Friday, January 26 with...
Stories from Study AbroadEver wondered what it would be like to study abroad in France? Come hear real stories from students who have studied in France this...
Applications for teaching English in France (TAPIF) now open!Every year, the French Ministry of Education and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. offers approximately...
Register Now!Love your French class? Sad it's coming to an end? Check out all our classes we're offering in the Fall 2017! Register now to secure your...
FEB 17: Deadline for French Department ScholarshipsThe deadline to apply for the French Department Scholarships for studying abroad is fast approaching - February 17 is just around the...
Study Abroad in France this summer!Always dreamt of studying abroad in France? Now is your chance! Come to the Study Abroad Fair on Wednesday, January 25 from 9am-2pm in...