Where We Go
Stories from students' travel adventures abroad from France to Belgium to Tahiti and beyond...

Paris, Annecy, Angers: France
Every summer we send a large group of UH Manoa students to study for 6 weeks in Annecy, Angers, or Paris, France. We also have students who have spent their summer doing Graduate research in Paris, spent a semester getting business credits in Lille, France outside Paris, spent a semester in Provence in the southern region of France, and more! The options are numerous and the experience is life-changing.

Tahiti, Belgium, and beyond!
France is not the only Francophone country our program has ties to! We have programs for students to spend a semester at the University of Polynesia located in Papeete, Tahiti as well as an opportunity to study at the prestigious Institut Supérieur de Traduction et Interpretation (ISTI) in beautiful Brussels, Belgium. Students have gone on to further their own research in French Polynesia, visit an old professor in Belgium while on vacation, and explore many other Francophone regions!