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Alliance française Hawaii potluck this Friday: "Géographie gastronomique: Finding Your Way Arou

On Friday, October 28th, from 5:30-8:30pm, Professor Kathryn Klingebiel will be speaking at the Ilima Hotel on “Géographie gastronomique: Finding Your Way Around French Food.”

First of all, a look at some of the surprising food imagery featured on coats-of-arms, like “gourds” for the town of Gordes in South-Eastern France. Lots of vines and grapes are featured, as well as fish, ducks, a couple of pigs, artichokes, cherries, olives, and a single loaf of bread. Focus will be on France, so we’ll explore three French food maps: famous breads; regional cakes and cookies; and finally, candies from around France.

This event will be a potluck so bring your favorite dish or bottle of wine!

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